I wrote this piece originally as an article in view of what is happening in the Middle East, Palestine, and the world in general. I recently read it at my Toastmasters club and many people suggested that I should publish it as a poem.
I hope that this will help us rethink before we start supporting war over peace, answering violence with more violence, and killing innocent children in the process.
- We are separating & it is Official
- We hate each other’s guts
- We can’t agree on anything
- We don’t care about the children
- They shall just have to suffer, because we as MATURE ADULTS must fight
- And you have to choose. There is no such thing as in between
- You can either be on my side or hers.
And now we fight.
We fight, without thinking about the children.
We fight, because we can no longer stand each other,
We fight, because we think we are right and the otherside is wrong.
We fight, because we don’t want to be seen as cowards.
We fight, because one side MUST win.
AND you my friend,
You must take sides > It is either her side or mine.
You can’t just stand there and watch > You share her views or mine
You must also join the FIGHT > One side MUST win & the other LOSE
Our children will pay the price, but who cares, because we as MATURE ADULTS must fight
We are now separating and that is official.
We are NOT separating as a couple, we are separating as people.
We are separating as Good and Bad
We are separating as Iranians and Iraqis
We are separating as East and the West
We are separating as Jews and Muslims
We are separting as You and I
And in the process, our children will suffer and pay the price, because we as MATURE ADULTS must fight
I think you get the message.
It is not about her and I.
It is not about you and I.
It is about US & THEM.
The Good and The Bad.
BUT MY QUESTION is: Must we take part in this conflict?
Social Media platforms tend to show us things that we agree with.
We agree, show our outrage and share.
We live in our own bubbles, just like the otherside.
We will never see the other side of the arguement, because Social Media simply will remove that pain.
One click on “don’t show me posts like this”, that’s all it takes.
It saddens me to see the confict in the world.
It saddens me to see that we can no longer agree.
It saddens me to read of attrocities committed by both sides.
It saddens me to read that we are encouraged, by Friends, News & Politicians; to take sides
It saddens me to see that we are separating.
If you disagree,
I am willing to listen
I don’t need to fight or fly
I have nothing to lose
I don’t want to separate
I don’t want our children to suffer.
And I ask you my friend, must we fight?